We got up late, around 09:00, and a few boats had bugged out but the bay was still pretty full. We decided to go into town for breakfast and do some marketing. We went to the butcher shop where Jess fell in love with a little pit bull that belonged to the store owners. The butcher must be like Ross because on their sign it says that they sell Beaf. (Ross has a coffee cup that says: "I'm and enganeer / enginear / ingennere .... I'm good at math"). We got rid of some recycling then back to Giappys restaurant for some excellent crepes (both sweet and savoury), juice and coffee.
Boats like sardines in Lakka |
Then we went back to the butcher for chicken and then the bakery for bread and ice, and once you have ice you're racing back to the boat as fast as you can. Once the ice was in the freezer we relaxed and had a nice long swim and bid goodbye to Rover (the swimming yellow lab) from the Croatian boat, lifted up the hook and headed for Antipaxos at a slow speed which lets us charge the batteries and the fridge. We got to Antipaxos and man was it crowded. On top of that the offshore breeze was blowing 15 knots, so we sat for a while and decided relatively quickly to come back tomorrow and try to get into Gaios.
Hugh and Jessie getting the fenders over in prep for Gaios |
We entered the Gaios harbour and tried to find a spot in the inside harbour. First there was a boat that blocked the channel for about 5 minutes ... I think he needed to put his anchor on the far shore (it was so tight). When he gave up he motioned to us to go behind him and got really testy ... we're waiting on station for 5 minutes as he wankered and then as soon as he waved us through he was impatient ... dork, I hit the throttle as soon as he motioned through .. 20 tons doesn't accelerate like a Ferrari.
We're in the harbour with one of the cats and the guy straight ahead is still trying to anchor blocking the
entrance/exit. |
A tripper boat behind us |
A cat coming in as we're about to head out. |
A guy poached in from the back side risking grounding his keel and sharked the last easy open spot. Nobody but me wanted to do the Marcel Lensveldt manoeuvre ("make" the space between two boats), so we went out just as three big cats came in, and headed to Lakka again. This time we went a little further in than before and had a terrific combination of shelter while still in the blue water. We went into shore, dropped off garbage and recycling, and found a seaside bar for a drink that turned into dinner at a restaurant in the main square.
Cats keeping the rodent population down. |
Us having drinks at right...dinghies double deep at the left. |
We had a nice dinner .. except Hugh who was left without a pizza until after we had all eaten. The waiter apologized with a complimentary half litre of vino that we enjoyed and we ended up pretty much shutting down the restaurant. The only guys left were a couple that were chugging beers with our waiter ... so settling up was a bit interesting. Back into the dinghy, out to Tara, a quick Ouzo and into bed.
After reading your blog I clicked my heals together three times.... Nothing happened... Dam it.... Will try again tomorrow....