Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Presenting Tara - A Photo Tour

After literally months of waiting, we finally “own” our boat. The procedure involved police, customs, harbour masters and an expediter that pulled it all together in just over 24 hours…and lots of sitting on the boat. Oh…and 2500 kuna (about $500) so the boat can cruise Croatia for another year (ha ha ha..!). Who knows, we may come back, it is wonderful cruising but for now, we’re ready for another country.

So…the tour….
The Chart Table

The Galley

The Setee

Marina's Dressing Room and Storage (door at left is a head/loo/toilette...)

Marina & Matt's Sleeping Quarters (door at right is a head)

Jessie's Room with her loo

Ross' Room with his loo

The Cockpit

The Stern

The Port Side on a windy day, at the dock

1 comment:

  1. Hello Alexanders, glad to see you your getting your timesworth [or some of it] out of the belated exporting thing, and having a great time doing it too. It's funny to see your posts at 2, 3, 4, and 5 a.m. I guess it's the time difference, it is the time difference, right? Also, if Ross is in too good a mood, tell him I got battlefield, that should put him back to normal, just kidding [although I did get battlefield 2].
