Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Isola Rossa to Baia Reparata

Isola Rossa Marina
Isola Rossa proved a bit harder to leave than we thought. The new chartplotter took more time than expected (no surprise there) installing -- so at around 2pm we decided we had worn out our welcome and we bugged out. (Marina here) HOWEVER...while Matt was working on the chart plotter, the crew enjoyed more of Isola Rossa...

Grocery shopping

Jess putting up the new Sardinian
courtesy flag under the Italian one.

Gelatto!!! YUM!

Once we left...(Matt's blogging again): No wind, the water was flat calm and we made our way to Baia Raparata -- a beautiful bay on the very north west tip of Sardinia, that we anchored in.
Jess on the bow pulpit enjoying the view.

Chelsea eating leftover pizza.

Marina opening the dodger for air.

(Marina again...sorry, can't help myself) With the warm water around here we have a vast playground and many water related activities carry on until cocktail hour, which starts around 6:30 or 7 pm.
Chelsea dumping Ross off his jolly jumper.
Dinner, in true European style, typically isn't presented until after 9 pm. By then we're all revenous and the food is always delicious. (Marina here by the way). Not sure if Matt mentioned but we have a rotating schedule for KP duty on board. Right now with 6 of us, 2 are on B&L duty (which is usually just dishes as B is every man for himself, and L is usually prepared by Marina and Chelsea), and 2 are in dinner duty (creating, making and cleaning up from), and 2 love their day off.
Jess BBQ'ing chicken.

Tonight, Jess was on duty with Marina. and spent the night. Then (Matt...) normal routine, got up early with Marina, joy bath, breakfast ... then the kids get up and do some swimming, get the boat ready and off to the next destination.

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