Friday, June 29, 2012

Port Napoleon to Iles Frioul

On our way!! Yay!

With no mainsail in the mast the infurling drum banged incessantly on the inside of the mast on every wave – and there were a lot of waves. With 28-33 knots of wind-speed and 2-3 meter waves from the exact direction of where we wanted to go, we had a lot of beating to windward to do. With a very small jib and no main available to pull out, we were tacking through 130-140 degrees – basically making very little way towards our target. Nearly 7 hours later to go 16 miles, we pulled into an crowded anchorage and dropped the hook. 

Ross and Marina getting the jib out...
but not too far in this breeze!

After an hour or so of listening to the mainsail furling track clang inside the mast, we decided we'd had enough and raised the mainsail. Surprisingly easy to do ... plus it furled perfectly -- what the heck -- silence. How good is that. 

After dark the party boats bugged out leaving us with a pretty nice anchorage, though a guy was anchored pretty closed to us and Marina woke up at 3:00am to make sure that we didn't crash into one another. Apparently we got within 2 or three meters but no closer. I spelled her off at 06:00 and she went to bed getting up when we sparked up the boat at around 10. We were all pretty tired but we had successfully anchored for the night and we had also gotten the mainsail taken care of so the next leg of the journey would be quiet and pleasant.
An evening swim and shower.

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